Is it really that difficult?
Shouold it really be that difficult for anyone to just do the dishes within an hour of which they've been asked? I asked my sister to do the dishes today since i made dinner and cleaned up afterwards. Usually she is the one who cooks dinner for us and i help her clean up, then i do the dishes. But anyways, i asked her and she said it was fine. Then she and Dev go to shower, so im guessing that would take about half an hour 45 minutes, so i sit and wait. Watch 2½ men, then Scooby Doo is on so i watch that... so for about two hours i waited for her to do the dishes, and it turns out they sat and talked for most of the time instead of showering. They did shower aswell but that was much later aperantly. Its just so annoying, if it was going to take that long she could have just told me that she was gonna leave it. I have now ended up doing it myself. It really isnt a big deal but it just annoyes me that it would have to take so long, everytime! Since my sister seems to feel that she has to keep an eye on everything i do, i know she will read this, get annoyed and and say that im just like our parents. Oh well.. life goes on.
Tired Of This Bullshit
Im so damn tired of being called a midget, dwarf, bisexual, lesbian and such, all the time by Dev (Dev is my sisters boyfriend)! I mean enough is enough. So this morning when I start working, and i decide to wear a black dress with a blue best by the waist, and i get the comment that i look like a lesbian dwarf. That really boost my confidence for the day. And his exuse for being an ass.. "I dont know where the limit is". So later today Im gonna have to bring this up with him and tell him to stop saying things all the time. Unfortunatly i told my parents about his comment today and they became quite upset and angry about it, but hopefully i'll be able to talk to him first. He just needs to understand that probably this is as tall as im gonna be for the rest of my life, and for him to make comments like that really hurts. I mean its like calling tall people giants or something. Its just not nice at all and no one reall finds it funny besides himself. Anyways i start at 11 so i sohuld get ready comepletly so that i'll be there on time.
I start at 11, and end at 5. Its awesome! :D
Proactive Solution?
Ok, so being a teen really is annoying, and one problem that obviously will follow with being a teen is acne. I myself are having a great deal of problems with acne and it is quite noticable. But most of it is on my back, so that means that i cant, or more like I wont wear any tops, shirts or dresses that show off my back, I rather dont even wear a bikini, or go to a beach so that my back would show. I dont only have acne on my back though, its on my chest and on my face aswell, the face is ok but i get these brake outs on my face and its kind of annoying since makeup doesnt always cover it up. Make up sure doesnt cover on the back or chest. So i was thinknig maybe i should try proactive solution to see if it would help. but it probably wont but whats the harm in trying? So for all of you who have the same problem, i know how you feel. But if its really really bad then go to a doctor i promise they will have a solution.
Its awesome, i might have gotten a job for the summer in a clothes store!!! Its only a maybe but still. So keep your fingers crossed for me :)
Best Cake Ever
Friday i decided i want to bake. So big surprise, i baked. But i was and am tired of baking the same typ of cake all the time so i decided im going to bake a Princess Tårta so I went and bought everything i needed to and came back home and started baking. and it actually didnt take that long, less then an hour, probably less then 45 minutes actually. Anyways the cake was the best cake i've ever made, this is how it looked :D

week 26,
This week my friend Tara was here in sweden to visit me, I think and hope she had a fun time, cause i enjoyed her stay. We went to a funfair called Gröna Lund for a whole day , surprisingly enough we didnt get tired of being there that quickly. We went shopping the second day, unfortunatly i didnt buy anything but that way i did save money which is good. The last and 3rd day we met up with some of my other friends and played Lazertag. After that we met up with my sister and Dev to play pool (biljard). Then for the rest of the day we went sightseeing a bit. Thursday morning she left. Same day that Michael Jackson died. Its such a shame that someone as great and talented as him had to pass away. But i guess this made everyone remember just how good he was and forget all the fuzz that the media caused.
For the last two days i've beein trying to get more tanned since i've been looking like a ghost for the last months, but its just so warm outside that i have to go inside all the time to get water and cool down. How am i gonna tan this way? :P So i guess ill just have to suffer through the heat and sit here. I am sitting outside in the sun as we speak and it feels like i am melting away! That means time to get a drink.
Here are some pictures from Tara's stay.

Me and Tara on Bläckfisken

Sightseeing. :)

[ just randomly felt like putting this picture here :D ]
Sushi, Midsummer & Plättar
Thursday it was official International eat sushi day, so me, Ellen, Helena and Dev went to eat sushi (and other foods, buffay style) at Kina Muren. It was Awesome! I was so stuffed when we were done.
Yesterday it was Midsummer, and i celebrated it with Ellen, which was fun. We were all summery dressed and all, but it started to rain, ofcoarse, so we played cards and watched movies most of the night. And this morning we made normal and chocolate mini pancakes for breakfast while listening to Michel Jackson, they were AWESOME!!! Then we watched sleeping beauty and Made, after that i had to come home and clean.. yay.. :P And tomorrow Tara is coming to visit, YAY! gonna be fun :)
Didnt forget ;)
Yesterday 10th of June 2009, My babe Tara turned 16!!!!! :D
Even though i texted, i have to say it again..
I hope you had a GREAT birthday with nice pressents,
Love you and cant wait till you get here :D <3
Summer holiday!
Ended school yesterday WOOOOOOOO!
First day of the holiday, and im at home in my lazyness, wearing sweatpants and a shirt, doing what i do best; play with makeup and watch tv. I really look like a Fjemo (Fjortis/emo) which i find quite entertaining. So the weather here in stockholm hasnt been the greatest resently but its not super cold but its not really warm and the sun does come out from time to time which is very nice and makes you just want to run outside and enjoy the sun.
These past two weeks i've started to have this urge to listen to 90's music like N'synk, Backstreet boys, Aqua, A-teens and pop groups like that which is so happy and bouncy as any music can get. But then again who doesnt enjoy the classic 90's songs like 'hit me baby one more time' by the then young and innocent Britney Spears or 'Dr. Jones' and 'Barbie girl' by the ever so popular group Aqua. They might have been the most annoying songs after a while but if you listen to them now you'd probably enjoy them, secretly of course (I know i know i cant spell).
So whilest on the subject of spelling, i finally got the programs that will help me with the spelling and stuff (for my dyslexia which i really dont understand how they came to the conclusion that i have it). But anyways now i have the programs but i still dont have my own computer so i cant use them yet. And i really hope the people who tried to fix my computer (and failed) can atleast save my pictures and videos that are on there.
I still havent gotten a summer job which is starting to get really annoying cause i really want one and maybe if i would do a good job doing some job during the summer maybe i'd be able to work during the weekends during next year. I guess all i can do is keep trying even though its all a bit late now, but i can just keep cleaning my brothers office, which i've forgotten to do for quite some time but ill start again. Gotta earn money somehow and right now this is the only way i can do that, so it'll do.
Hopefully the summer wont be all too boring and cloudy. Ofcourse when i write that the sun comes out and the light shines throught the window. But any how, like said hoefully it wont be too boring and cloudy, specially when Tara comes to visit. That wouldn't be very nice if she didnt get to see how nice sweden can be in the summer.
God i need to get a tan. Im as pale as a ghost right now. But nothing a little tanning cant take care of. yes this is how swedish i have become. i've given up most of my emo clothes, almost starting to follow the fashions, starting to use ultra swedish sentences and annoying words when i speak swedish, and my hair is blonde and going blonder.
I have decided to try and work out during this summer, which most probably fail since im sorta a couch potato but i'm gonna try anyways. :D
thats about it for now i'll write more soon :D
nothing much..
On wednesday the summer holidays start, which will be nice, but i will have nothing to do so might be quite boring. The 21st Tara is coming to visit so thats gonna be fun. Lately its been quite bad weather but I think its getting better, today its sunny but windy. We had shakespeare day in my school and my class won. it was awesome and everyone really seemed to enjoy it. So there really isnt a lot to talk about. So untill next time, have fun.