week 26,
This week my friend Tara was here in sweden to visit me, I think and hope she had a fun time, cause i enjoyed her stay. We went to a funfair called Gröna Lund for a whole day , surprisingly enough we didnt get tired of being there that quickly. We went shopping the second day, unfortunatly i didnt buy anything but that way i did save money which is good. The last and 3rd day we met up with some of my other friends and played Lazertag. After that we met up with my sister and Dev to play pool (biljard). Then for the rest of the day we went sightseeing a bit. Thursday morning she left. Same day that Michael Jackson died. Its such a shame that someone as great and talented as him had to pass away. But i guess this made everyone remember just how good he was and forget all the fuzz that the media caused.
For the last two days i've beein trying to get more tanned since i've been looking like a ghost for the last months, but its just so warm outside that i have to go inside all the time to get water and cool down. How am i gonna tan this way? :P So i guess ill just have to suffer through the heat and sit here. I am sitting outside in the sun as we speak and it feels like i am melting away! That means time to get a drink.
Here are some pictures from Tara's stay.

Me and Tara on Bläckfisken

Sightseeing. :)