
So ofcoarse every family has problems, but what do you do when everyone in your family is so sick and tired of eachother, that you cant stand being in the same room. Well right now it feels like my family is splitting up, everyone is just getting more and more pissed off and no one can talk. Not too long ago my dad said that he wanted everyone to move out, that he was willing to just throw us into the streets. I know a part of him meant it, but he seemed to regret it the day after. But then again today everyone just freaked out on eachother and just screamed. My mom, and my sister went for a walk, but not together. My brother went to talk to my dad, and my brothers girlfriend went to their room. I hate this, i really do, so i would really apriciate if i could spend a night at someone elses. Just to ease things up, Cause i could really use a break from my family..


I really need to work more on my french, so i've decided to try to work on it atleast one-two hours atleast once a week. Gonna try and do more but dont wanna say im gonna try every day cause honestly, the chance of me studying french everyday is very low. But i shall work on it!


So im up early cause i still don't have curtains in my room so i can't sleep. I am watching the Tyra Banks Show on tv and its about shopaholics, and im almost starting to think i have shopping issues. Which is very annoyong and a bit freaky, since i spend quite a lot of money (i am trying to change that!!) and i don't really realise how fast and much i am spending, but everytime i buy someting afterwards i feel kinda guilty.
So everyone do not let me buy anything unnessary!!

Midnight Desire

So since some of you has had problem finding the ever so entertaining (sexual) parodi of twilight Midnight Desire so here is the link:

Hope you guys enjoy. I myself have to catch up on my reading. ;)
(Ellen you are the best! <3)


Ok so yes i am still into German (yes even though i cant speak it for shit), but yes i want to read shakespear.. in.. yep you guessd it, German! i mean how funny wouldn't that be (for other people but probably not for the germans). But just imagine... Romeo, Oh Romeo, WHERE BIST DUUU?! HAHAHAHAHA you have to agree on the randomness that is German. :P

Sickness & Disney

I hate being sick, but thank god im getting better now, and tomorrow is friday so ill have the whole weekend to relax. Oh and aperantly i missed a French test that i was supposed to have yesterday, But i thought it was next week, but i guess ill just have to redo it next lesson. men jaja helg!!! WOOP WOOP! "marie får bli bagage vagn" I Really think i need to have a disney night. Im sure Ellen agrees with me on this subject. I mean seriously i dont think it can go a day without us (well atleats me) using atleast one quote from a disney movie. So yes Disney has a great part in my life. And what a sad sad life that must be. But oh well DISNEY RULES!


Ok so me and my sister want to get a tattoo, specially in memory of our old dog Iggy, (who we had to put to sleep, for those who didn't know). So my sister has been looking for pictures of paws on the internet for inspiration, and luckily (for me) she found this really pretty tattoo that I find perfect and im 100% sure that i want it. Where would i put it? Well i was thinking on the back of my neck, right underneath where my hair is.
Im not really into tattoo's unless they actually have a reason, and i think this is a good enough reason to get one. So i think that people who want one should find one that would actually mean somethign to them and not just get one cause they're "cool". But here's a few pictures of my baby and of the tattoo that i want.

Enjoying the sun in France  
Looking for some company  <3
Iggy and our other dog Ross

I think he saw a Nice steak fly by.
The tattoo i want.

Midnight desire

OK so Ellen told me about this twilight porn parodi (24 chapters!!) So when ellen was over yesterday, we decided to look it up. It was hilarious!!!
DISTACTION! Metro Station's song is on tv! Just have to be distacted for a while. its catchy as hell :)
ok now its lady gaga on so ill get back to this now.
but yes it was HILARIOUS!! you guys have to read it! the second chapter was very fun. so read people READ! (search for it on google, should be the first one that pops up)

Schlager ja

Ok so tonight, its the schlager finals (?) so Patti, Tippan and maybe Anna are coming over to watch it. Ellen would have joined to but it's her brothers birthday today.
But before we go to my place we're going go buy a whole bunch of fatness things. I mean you cant watch the schlager without fatening foods. Well you can.. but whats the fun in that? So yes, i guess i should go do something better with my time then to sit here and do.. well nothing.
(Bara för dig ellen) HEJA MÅNS ZELMERLÖV OCH HEAT!

Prom & Colour

Yes yes, im a bit slow when it comes to updating here but still.
So yes monday; prom. I thought it was very fun, exept for the fact that i was wearing a dress and high heels. And dancing
for almost four hours in a row in super high heels... not the greatest feeling in the world.But still i enjoyed it. :)
Yesterday i was gonna duy my hair, "rich wine" my mom insisted i'd try it on a strand of hair first, maybe that was a really good idea. Since that srand of hair did turn.. kinda purple/pink. instead of red. So now im thinking about eaither;

- duying my hair brown, like really dark.
- leaving it blonde and doing downlights with the strange colour that it is.
- doing it even blonder.
- or just leaving it completly.

But i dont know so would be great with ideas from people.


This is such a good song, you gotta love it. <3
Nine Days - Absolutely (story of a girl)


Smurfhits!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
child hood memories!
(varsegod ellen!!! :P)


So temporarily, i've got a job as a cleaner at my brothers office. I cleaned there yesterday and got paid. WOOOO!  im so paid! lalala. oh well im happy anyways :D

Need change.

I've decided that i'm bored of the layout on my blog and that i need a new one. Unfortunatly i cant remeber how to do it. So i guess ill just have to ask T-Pain again. Tippaaaaaaaannnn... <3 hjälp miiig :) :P
ok so hopefully soon i'll have a new layout. :)

Making dinner...

Ok so tonight i've promised to make dinner... Pasta carbonara. And people who know me very well, know that cooking isnt really my thing... im more of a baking person. I mean i can cook, but it just doesnt come out as well as i hope. So this will most probably be an intresting dinner. :P
Maybe i should bake so that incase my cooking failes they'll have a great dessert. But we'll see.


So today was cleaning day. Yaaaay... (yes sarcasm). since im basically a perfectionist cleaning isnt really my thing since i have to put everything in a sertain order, or change the order they are in. But now it is all done and clean. and it only took... half the day. I am very proud that we all managed to clean so much so fast. Woop woop! :D


Ok so yesterday.. My sister needed to stay up late so that she could sleep most of today since she is working night shift at her work. So we stayed up untill around three at nigth, drinking tea, playing tic tac toe and pictionary. Was fun though since almost everything she drew was very simple if you knew what it was, but since i had no clue... It took me about 10 min to figure some out. But yes was funny as HELL! Randomness is the best. :D


So now i've done quite some updating here dont ya think? :P
all about nothing.. hmm that sounds quite poetic doesnt it.. might use it sometime.
Oh and i need to start writing my oh so intresting novell ;)
Speaking about novells.. Ellen told me about this intresting parodi of twilight, which i HAVE to look up.
If you google: Midnight Desire and then make sure its on
I will check it out myslef sometime next week.
hope you enjoyed this horribly unnessary updsat


So last saturday me and Ellen went ice skating. We were bassiclly like the people in blades of glory!  Was very fun and we got quite a lot of pretty pictures so i thought i'd share some of them with you guys. So here they are. Enjoy

Dont really know :P

Blades of glory style <3

Shoes and clothes

So not too long ago, i got the moving boxes from france with my shoes and clothes in. So finally i can wear my pretty shoes, that will make me abit taller. HAHAHA! it rules. But i realised that most of my old clothes are eather very Emo, or very french style... so im thinking about instead of throwing them away, why not sell them on eBay? think its a good idea? cause some of the things i haven't used much and are in good condition. So tell me what you think. :)


So on Monday my school has its prom. Am i gonna go? Of coarse i am! So tomorrow i am buying the ticket(s) with Vidya (its cheaper if you buy more, so were gonna buy together), And then... MOHAHAHAHAHA! Unfortunatly it costs more then 100kr so its kinda expensive..But hopefully it will be worth it :)

spending money

Right so i might be good and spending my money, but almost the only things i buy are foods. So i've tried to cut down on my spending on food. And try to save more so that i atleast have 300 kr left every month. (Gonna TRY). Hopefully i wont go and spend it all.. But still i've kinda failed on this... I've prob spent atleast 100 kr already on food AGAIN! so evryone DONT let me buy anymore food!!! And please also dont let me buy more uncessary crap!

On the run.

So this morning, i woke up way too late, well 20 min before i started school. So i hurried up, got dressed, fixed my fringe(bangs) just quickly put my hair up, brushed teeth put shoes on, jacket, got books and thank god i had a donut left from yesterday, so i grabbed that quickly too. That was my breakfast on the run.. a donut. was good though. Was very annoying though that i didnt have time to put on more makeup then foundation... so i looked tired and like shit. But oh well. Nothing that culdnt be fixed during a break. But yes, so heres a tip:
no matter how early it feels like when your alarmclock rings... there is a good reason why you should get up then. :P


So i forgot you write about what happend at the airport, on my way back to sweden. I'll shorten the story down a bit cause im feeling Lazy
So when we were standing in line to buy the plane ticket, my dad noticed that there was another line where there were standing only 3 other groups of people (about 7 people). So we decided to go stand in that line, since we'd been waiting for about 20 min for the other line to move. So a few other people followed us, and squared as the swedish are, some woman just started screaming/complaining to/at us, saying "I thought us swedish knew the rules! I thought us swedish had respect!". And this woman just wouldnt stop complaining, so she got a flight attendent to come and talk to my dad for some reason.So when we finally got to the front to get my ticket, the woman saw me and made another comment.. "When people act liek that.. there could become somethings WRONG with THEIR children." I was already annoyed and that just made me so feadup so i turned around stared at her, and almost screamed "there is nothing wrong with their children!!" The reactions i got from everyone were just priceless, my parents too. Then she kinda mumbled "But there could be". It was just very funny how she didnt even look at me. :P
So yes that was it.

its been a while.

Soooo its been quite some time since last i wrote anything on this blog, so now,  i have finially decided that it was time to update. (ledsen att du blivit tvungen att vänta så länge Ellen 0:D). So I really havent been up to much, nothing really worth writing about. But yes here are ze random ass things..

- Donuts <3
- Maths Quest (quiz test, very smart of mrs rhoads)
- Parents come backkkk
- Money
- Shoes!!! <3
- Job?

So today dear readers, I BOUGHT DONUTS!!!! <3 and not any donuts.. Donuts with vanilly creamyness inside <3!!!!! They were VERY good! so i decided to save some for tomorrow when i have Maths Clinic. Yaaaay (sence the sarcasm?), but oh well. Tomorrow, i have a maths test/quiz, about.. something, that i almost get (i am very proud). And then on friday, i am off se see BOLT (the movie about the strange dog and the AWESOME hamster in a ball! yes i want to see the movie because of the hamster, not the dog) so that will be great fun, and then my parents are comming home on sunday. yaaay.. (yes sarcasm) but oh well. Today i finally got my alowens! so now i can actually do things again. like.. buy shoes. Cause i found these shoes i really like (Ellen du ska med och kolla! :P ). And on friday before i go see bolt i have to go to my brothers office and Clean. and then maybe ill do it once or twice a week and he'll pay me. GREAT :D

this was just a short update cause now i have to do dishes.

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