Ross eller Lillen har lyckats dra ur dränerings slangen under natten... Nu är det ett stort hål som går genom nacken. Ush, stackarn. Nu har han en stor skinn(kött)flik som hänger och dinglar. Tror far klipte bort den med en sax nu. Varför har inte vetrenärer öppet på helger? Det händer väl att djur behöver hjälp på helger med? Det skulle vara som om alla sjukhus har stängt på helger bara för att. Jävligt dumt tycker jag. Men annars ska jag städa idag. Måste få orning på mitt rum. Sen ska jag baka en massa. Blir nog kul. Hoppas jag hinner med allt bara.
I texten på paketet av blandade nötter "kan innehålla spår av andra nötter"
Ganska bra dag idag. :3 eller eftermiddagen i alla fall. Skönt att inte göra som alla andra eller falla för perpressure. ^^ Im gonna do what i want when i want it and not because people are doing it ^^
Lilla vovven och jag myser i soffan. PussIPannan^^ låter som pytt i pannan. XD jag e glad idag. Det är skönt att ha något att prata med om saker ibland :3 E najs. Nej men känner för att springa ute på stan nu :P men nej jag ska kolla idol med familjen :P
Lilla vovven och jag myser i soffan. PussIPannan^^ låter som pytt i pannan. XD jag e glad idag. Det är skönt att ha något att prata med om saker ibland :3 E najs. Nej men känner för att springa ute på stan nu :P men nej jag ska kolla idol med familjen :P
Someone please download this song for me?
Taio Cruz - The 11th hour.
Kinda proud of myself today. Wrote speaches for my debate group, yes i actually wrote all 3, and helped Sarah with the closing sumup thing. So im pretty proud ven though i hate speaking infront of people and i was shaking. Hopefully people didnt notice. Im kinda amused by sandras compliment (?) that my voice is nice? XD It amused me. She has the best random compliments ever. But yes, im pretty damn proud of myself because of this.
Got dance soon so i have to go change. I hope ll be able to keep up. Im just so damn tired. But yes. PROUD LITTLE GIRL HERE! :3
Got dance soon so i have to go change. I hope ll be able to keep up. Im just so damn tired. But yes. PROUD LITTLE GIRL HERE! :3
Plupp, im cute XP
I told you i used to be strong :D
And have bigger boobs... >_>
Remembering Sunday.
I'm not coming back (forgive me)
I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak (I'm not calling, I'm not calling)
But you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just (You're driving me crazy, I'm)
Washing you out of my hair and out of my mind
Keeping an eye on the world,
From so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now
I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head
Ive been so down today. At first i was just mad, even mad enough to hit someone. I just had so many emotions going through my body i just couldnt take it. I didnt want to be stil, i needed to move. I couldnt even sit through the science lesson. I didnt want to speak to anyone but i didnt want to be alone. I couldnt keep my emotions in when everyone just left me after class. I had to talk to the tacher and i'd asked them to stay, and still they leave. Stupidly enough i sorta broke down. I got the feeling of being left creeping over me. Its so stupid, but its just one of those days you know... So i sat in the school bathroom that no one ever really uses for about twenty min before going to the school shrink. There i started crying exlpaining something to her. Because of my mood i havent even been able to call TM direct to say im not interested... I really really should have but i just havent been able to. Its pretty nice to be home alone for a while now. So im slowly calming down.
I'm not coming back (forgive me)
I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak (I'm not calling, I'm not calling)
But you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just (You're driving me crazy, I'm)
Washing you out of my hair and out of my mind
Keeping an eye on the world,
From so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now
I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head
Ive been so down today. At first i was just mad, even mad enough to hit someone. I just had so many emotions going through my body i just couldnt take it. I didnt want to be stil, i needed to move. I couldnt even sit through the science lesson. I didnt want to speak to anyone but i didnt want to be alone. I couldnt keep my emotions in when everyone just left me after class. I had to talk to the tacher and i'd asked them to stay, and still they leave. Stupidly enough i sorta broke down. I got the feeling of being left creeping over me. Its so stupid, but its just one of those days you know... So i sat in the school bathroom that no one ever really uses for about twenty min before going to the school shrink. There i started crying exlpaining something to her. Because of my mood i havent even been able to call TM direct to say im not interested... I really really should have but i just havent been able to. Its pretty nice to be home alone for a while now. So im slowly calming down.
♥ All around me.
This is one of my absolute favorite songs. ♥
Save me from the nothing I've become.
I remember i said ages ago that i would post old things form my diary but only did it once. Fail. But you know what, maybe its stupid to do. I mean the random gay letters/poems and shit that ive written there, they are for me to know. Only me. But oh well.
Supopsed to go to the TM direct again today... But o dont feel like its something for me. I really feel like it wouldnt go well and i'd just have way too much to do. I'd have to manage to work monday-wednesday, have dance on thursday, end late on friday, saturday free and work cleaning on sunday, and someone manage to do homework and have some free time to do whatever. It probably wouldnt work. So i have to call and tell them im not interested and dont feel like its the right thing for me. Yay...
I didnt go to history today... Not going yo swedish either. I know i was supposed to but i really dont feel like im missing anything. The teacher is so flummig anyways. But im going to science!!!! :D I serioulsy love science. Just sucks im not very good at it. At all. But who cares. I cant wait to have Lab again. I think its fun actually. Hahah probably should have chosen Natsci XD But would have failed pretty miserably so yeaaaahhhh. And then im talking to the school shrink. It might be kinda sad that these are the things i look forward to.
Ush, i feel constantly tired. I went to bed around ten yesterday i think. Slept til nine, and im still tired. Supposed to have movie night saturday. Do i really have the energy though...? Well ill have to figure that out for tomorrow. I just want to go back to bed and sleep. I have no idea why i feel so tired or exhausted i guess. I almost didnt even orka change from pj's this morning. I really dont like school... If i could choose, i'd only go to 3 lessons... Science, english and german. But no, you HAVE to have history, religion, socils and swedish too. I hate those subjects so bad. I guess religion is ok, but im really not interested.
And then the pressure of having to go to uni or your a failure. Who the fuck said that?! And how the hell are you supposed to know what you want to do at 17/18?! Im sorry but its all bullshit. If i want to take a gapyear and find out what i could consider doing in the future, why shouldnt i? Maybe i dont want to pick something random to study for 4 years and then just regret wasting those years. Im not going to leach off my parents like someone said. I dont want to do that, and if i fail at whatever im gonna do, then thats my problem. I doupt i'll know most of the people i know now. So why would they care what happens to me? And if i do know them and fail, does that really matter... would they not want to know me if im not doing well...? I guess the world is a more fucked up place than i thought.
And no Lami, im not gonna do that thing i said form the place i said. Because i promiced.
I like the difference between this blog and my other one. Its pretty big actually. I just write random (mostly)pointless things on this one. The other one, i actually write a whole load of things i feel and whats going on in my head. Its interesting in one way and completely stupid on others. Things i write there are just temporary emotions that might stay or go. But still. Would be interesting to know peoples reactions if they read it. Which they wont, cause its private. So its all good.
Anyways, im trying to work on history, i get the feeling that i will have to be up night. Im even using this program to help me read. It really helps but there's way too much to do in one evening. Sometimes i really hate working in groups... More than 3 people is just too many to work with. Ush. I just hate presentations and debates in general... But i guess it has to be done. I really just get nervous and embaressed when i stand infront of people i know. Complete strangers are ok, cause well, they wouldnt see me again. God, so annoyed... mostly at myself. Im just happy i get to go to the school shrink tomorrow. Besides her uncomfortable staring i like going there. But anyways im going to try to focus now.
Anyways, im trying to work on history, i get the feeling that i will have to be up night. Im even using this program to help me read. It really helps but there's way too much to do in one evening. Sometimes i really hate working in groups... More than 3 people is just too many to work with. Ush. I just hate presentations and debates in general... But i guess it has to be done. I really just get nervous and embaressed when i stand infront of people i know. Complete strangers are ok, cause well, they wouldnt see me again. God, so annoyed... mostly at myself. Im just happy i get to go to the school shrink tomorrow. Besides her uncomfortable staring i like going there. But anyways im going to try to focus now.
Hund och jobb.
Ross sår har blivit så illa att han måste sövas och dreneras... Gud vad kul. Stackarn, vänster sida av hans hals och ansikte har svällt upp och hänger. Han lutar huvet för att det är så tungt. Kan inte vara kul. Annars ska jag på jobb interview idag. Lite nervös, men tror inte jag kommer jobba där ändå. Har lovat mamma att inte tacka ja eller skriva på något i alla fall. Så får se vad som händer. Men men, ska dra mot skolan om ungefär en timme. Woop! Hade konstig dröm inatt också, obhagligt som fan var det. Men men.
I think these two pictures are quite simlar (besides the fact that i look like im asleep in the one where i have red hair)... Interesting. Ok not really but still.
FRUSTRATION! But this week is gonna be interesting. Trust me.
Busy day.
Har mycket att göra idag, städa kontoret, städa mitt rum (ställa i ordning allt där det ska vara), jobba på historian och baka. Ush, stressigt eftersom ingen i min historia grupp vet vad fan vi håller på med! Funderar på att skita i det men då kommer alla bli skit sura och bla bla bla. OFF I GO!!!!!
Im going to jump
and its going to be fun. :3
My heroine.
I will save myself.
SUPA nice MC boots!!!! They're pretty! I will post a picture of them later, maybe tomorrow. :3 äntligen fick jag tag på dom! Dumma personal på DinSko som inte gör sitt jobb som de ska. FYYYYYY. HEHEH jag e vågig! ^^ Min lugg gör inte vad jag vill att den ska göra alls, men men, orkar inte bry mig. :3 Haha ush ser ut som jag försökt för mycket med det jag har på mig pga skärpet i midjan XD men tar jag bort det ser det ut som om jag ska gå och lägga mig i en mega tröja :P Mys. tycker jag ^^ WOOOOOOOO E på helt ok humör just nu faktiskt. :3 ganska trevligt.
Idag var inte en sån super dag. Men vet ni vad? Jag skiter i hur dagen har varit. Maddie ska flytta imorgon och hon ska ha en liten fest ikväll så jag ska fan ha kul. Har dushat nu Och ska göra mig i ordning och hinna äta innan. :3 Ush, soffan luktar valp... >_> Inte mysigt alls. HELENA FÅR STÄDA UPP EFTER SIN HUND!!! Ska göra mig i ordning nu. :3
VARFÖR!?!?!?!?!? VAAARRFÖÖÖÖÖRRRRR!? Vill fan ha rött hår igen!! Eller?
Blondt e fint det med!!!! :O ELLER?!?!?! CONFusION!
Då har man varit en duktig kvinna och lagat mat till alla till när dom kommer hem. Tänka sig vad duktig man kan vara. Future housewife much? ^^