Its like walks in the park..
For the past 3 days i have been walking the dog with my sister for about three hours. Every time we've walked i've taken my camera with me and taken a few pictures. more like.. 50-100 pictures actually. Autom pictures, they're pretty nice. And now on Halloween i'm sitting here in the sofa in the tv room again watching Galenskaparna After Shave's skruven är lös, with my sister and my mom. We all love it. But i have the bigest craving for chocolate chip cookies ever!
For some very strange reason my mood has just hit rockbottom.. Not sure why though, think i might need sugar. Really, we're watching something that is hilarious and im just not laughing... Will have to buy cookies when we walk the dog later.
I bought this lipbalm the other day, and it is the best buy ever. Its by Demons and angels, and you can buy it at Apoteket. If you're a guy i suggest you dont buy it cause it wokrs as a lipgloss aswell, it has glitter or something in it. But it makes you're lips so soft and smooth. It is great.
Anyways. should probably consentrate on the movie now. But ill put some pictures from the walkes here:
Time passes by at a strange speed.
My sleep has been quite affected by the one hour change to winter time. (no i couldnt figure out what its really called). Anyways, i keep waking up at 8 or 7am which is actually 9/10am, but has turned into 8am because of winter time which basically means i get one or two hours less sleep. Atleast im getting better from being sick. YAY! That means i might be able to go to this thing on friday which could be fun, or ill have to have a semi calm evening watching movies... alone.. unless anyone wants to join on the jolly day of halloween. :)
Anyways, so today, i spent the day once more, you guessed it, sleeping, but i also:
did the laundy, i vacumed, did the dishes, walked the dog with my sister in the morning. Pretty busy day i must say. Now.. i am sitting in the tv room (yes i know.. posh) squished together in the sofa watching tennis. Serina williams is playing against her sister.. oh how exiting.
I love my mom sometimes. She bought icecream yesterday! Pigelin <3. There really is nothing better then a nice cold icecream to bite into. Because yes i bite my icy icecream, i do NOT suck it! more fun to bite ^^
cant be bothered to write more now.. bye. :)
Sick Day #4
Today i seem to have gotten an eyeinfection... just what i was waiting for. Most of today, my time has been filled by sleep. I feel exhausted. It'll be fine soon though, i hope anyways. Just gotta sleep more and drink tea. YAY! Watched animal planet, cutest cloud cubs ever were on. And now.. i am watching "plastikkirurgerna". Not entertaining at any level... EW! he went up someones nose! (with a spoon or something). Why am i watching this? I have no clue. And now he's hammering her nose! ok that sounds slightly wrong but you know what i mean right? :P Watched a Lady GaGa video yesterday, Longest intro ever, but she was acting with Alexander Skarshgård (im sorry for the poor spelling of his name) but anyways, she was speaking swedish in it. Was slightly entertainign and the song really isn't THAT BAD. (yes it is a very annoying song but it gets stuck in your head and you start humming along). I am extreamly tired so i think i shall go sleep or something.
dont forget to check out my sisters new blog:
So many comment could be made...
Do i really need to say anything? she was very into the Viking/biker fashion last year. The dog looks terriffied for the obvoius reason (the strange thing leaning over it!). PLease do leave a comment about what you think :)
...jävla skit...
Sick day #2
Today i woke up at around 8 today. Watched tv, ate breakfast, watched tv, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned the dinner table, watched tv, ate lunch, watched more tv. Bored out of my mind.. Atleast ill have the art homework to do later and hopefully my sister will be nice enough to do me the favor to be in the picture. just gotta figure some ideas out. I love disney channel.. its so bad and yet so entertaining.
Tokio Hotel
Just gonna say that my sister now has started her own blog. Proably nithing has been written yet.
i gave her the name and header cause she has lack of imagination :P here it is:
hopefully it will be enjoyable to read. :P we shall have to wait and see. :)
This is the second or third time so far that i actually have had fever.. It is a little strange but very awesome. It has been very annoying lately since its felt like something has been burning my skin. So i only slept like 4/5 hours last night. Tired as fuck now..
Went to a museum with my artclass. Was.. ok, but not so fun since i was cold one second and then the next super warm. but besides that it was almost entertaining watching that guy with a creepy mustach :P (salvadore dahli).
Tired so thats all for now..
Snow and Dance
I just came back from dance so im a bit tired. But really i dont think anything makes me feel better than going to my dance lesson. Im not great but its fun as hell! It makes me extreamly overjoyed. Too bad my memory is so shit i almost always forget the choeagraphy as soon as i get home. Going to this class has also made me listen to music i usually wouldnt listen to.. and ive learnt to liek it :D
Im officially doing my happy dance :)
Im afraid of being alone.. and no not like alone in a room, like not having anyone there.
I feel i cant do anything right.
Cant make up my mind about things.
I mess things up, and usually it seems i cant fix it.
I hate myself for not being able to do anything.. I just want to be able to do somehting not mess it up, not to be scared, to be able to work things out but whatever i do.. i just seem to fail... And its really getting to me. To be able to focus and figure out an answer. I guess untill then, ill just have to work on it..
Yeah... im so damn housewife like sometimes. Its almost funny. Like today, Im not exactly happy but not sad or depressed (YAY!!) so to make myself feel better, im gonna bake! WOO For everyone else in my family. Oh how i enjoy baking. Yes i actually love it. It gets all emotion out and creates something sweet and well tasting.
Damn Ibige.. Now i really feel liek playing Tekken. But i have no one to play with... (annoying). Dont even know where the game is... I have to go look for it now! Nah ill bake first. Will taste good to eat Bullar and play Tekken. Ill probably write somethign later about how good my bullar turned out :P
I decided to change my layout. So VOILA!
Ofcoarse i couldnt have done this by myself, cause really, im not exactly a technical genious.
So thank you Mr King Of Emos! :D <3
And the layout isnt all that is new! yes once again little selfobcessed me has done something to my hair..
was supposed to go blonde... it is now.. kinda red. but i still like it :D
I cleaned my room today and got rid of 3 moving boxes from my room (before there were 7).
Its AWESOME!!! my room is kinda messy but still extreamly neat! *proud*.
Dont have much else to say right now... ill probably write more later.
OOH! and im baking KanelBULLAR! :D
Things that go wrong.
Everyone knows that things can so easily go wrong, a joke can get out of hand, a truth not being told, someones shame bringing someone else down. What is there really to do then? Nothing. A harsh reality hitting you like a fryingpan over your head. And just like that, a trust can not only be broken.. but shattered into so small peices that it was like forever to put it back together or it will just stay unfixable. But sometimes you find yourself lucky to be strong enough not to let the small pieces just be thrown away. but you take your time to try to fix it. And sooner or later it will... but at its own pase... you cant rush something. ever.. then it will just end up as something bad and wrong. just let everything take its time and just let it flow. If it happens it happens. You just need to find someway to let everything has its own go... Pacience is something we all need to master. That is one flaw of the race of the human beings. we want something to happen as soon as possible. its like, going to the gym. we dont want to wait for about 3 months before we can see results.. we want them right away.. but if we let it take its time.. things will work out evetually. And if they dont.. we can only learn to handle things differently and move on. just learn to be strong and not affected by what everyone else is saying.
picture update.

Newly coloured hair. <3

Just after getting my hair cut.

Anna had a strange bruise on her upper lip.
(your left side, her right)
Autom, hair, and random ass times.
Autom: It has turned into autom now here in sweden and im surprised about how fast it went from cool summer to freezing autom. But then again im not gonna complain too much about it. I love and hate autom, why? For the simples reasons why i love it and why i hate it;
Love it: The colour change in the trees and on the ground, the frost forming on the grass during the night, the air that feels so fresh and clean when you breath it in, the extra clothing you have to wear, the scarfs, the hats, the jackets, the fact that you can sit and drink coffee outside in the cold and still be warm and cosy.
Hate it: The cold that bites my big ass and the laughes at me, cause lets face it, im not gonna stand around rubbing my ass hoping it will warm up. The extra things (clothing) you have to carry around. and that you feel warm whenever you're on a bus or subway steb outside and get cold so fast cause the wind is blowing at you.
I still think of autom to be a possitive thing. I like it more then i dislike it so thats good.
Hair: Yes ones again i am going to mention my hair. Why? cause today people, i got it cut by a profesional! amasing i know. So now its only a tad shorter than before but all split ends are gone, so now i can restart the process of ruining it by straightening it, hairspraying it and colouring it. And oh how lovely its going to be. As said before ( i think) i coloured my hair dark brown, so it turned almost black. Now its going back to normal quite boring brown. Well at some parts anyways. So im thinking about colouring it again. But this time, maybe red, like darkredish with a hint of pink. could be cool. or maybe just go back to blonde, or dark brown again. Decitions are usually my think exept when it comes to hair. Ill just try it all and see how it ends up.
Random time: Lately ive spent a lot of time with (emo) Anna, Which is great fun, but i think she has a serious effect on me... she dumbs me down. and i thought i ws dumb enough as it is, but no.. can do worse. I swear a few days ago people thought we were drunk or high cause we were laughing so much about something comletely off. was fun though. The sad thing is, we cant complete sentences without one of us saying the same thign... getting quite annoyinh in a sorta entertaining way. (Love you, you freak <3)
And today i had to prove my point to Anna that they do sell shampo in H&M, so i feel sorry for John who was dragged with. but the point is, Im right and thats all that matters. :P We also coloured Ibige (the king of all emos)'s hair.. black. kinda funny to colour an asians hair that is almost black, black. well it entertained me. :P
thats about it for now... <3
I need to get better at writing on this blog, And i need to start taking more pictures again.
not much to say this time.. Quite a lot is going on right now, most of it bad, im hoping it will all work out in the end but you never know. So wish me luck.