Det behöver inte vara konstigt.
Camping yesterday. It was fun. Or well i think it was pretty fun. Grilled korv and just chilled. Stupid small blue tent totally failed. Was freezing all night thank god for human radiators (A). But i didnt sleep much anyways so today i am so extreamly tired. But was worth it. Even worth the 40 min walk from danderyds sjukhus.
My photos. ♥
I need more photos to edit. But yeah. Tell me what you think about these? :3
Im just a very negative person.
I feel just that im way too negative.. Its not fun for anyone around me. Almost anything anyone says i take as something negative. But its something i can work on. Hopefully it'll get slightly better once i start dance again.
On another happier note.. My sister is Right now painting my fathers toenails blue. This is quite... normal for this family surprisingly enough. XD Sometimes i wonder if my dad has a secret little gay man inside him. XP
Fångarna på fortet.
Vem gillar inte det? Skulle järna prova på nästan allt dom gör där! :3 Nej måste fortsätta kolla :3
Im exhausted. But i feel pretty good. Except for that project work im not doing what i want... at all. Im not working alone though. But i wanted to do someonething with photography but i guess you cant get everythign you want... If they'd only given me a day more to figure it out... :/ Oh well. Ill make it work.
24 August 2010
Im tired. I want to sleep. I want cookies and comforting hugs.
Something is wrong.
Im freaking out on everyone. Im just mad and down. I want to be alone but i dont really... Or maybe i shouldnt be. Im pushing people away... Its not good. I just want to scream. Feels like something is wrong all the time, and its getting harder to hide it. Its just... frustrating. I guess i need dance. I suck at it, but its the only thing i know that makes me happy. That and taking pictures. I guess i should be happy... I have no idea why im not. I want to be free and happy.
Lets make a scene. Lets run away. Lets vanish just for a while.
I like this picture.
Lets make a scene. Lets run away. Lets vanish just for a while.
I like this picture.
23 August 2010
First day of school. Managed pretty well. Aparently i hadnt given in my choices. So i had to talk to the headmaster and pick something. English C and german 1. It feels wierd to not have art... Its the one thing i've always had. I guess its good to not have it though.. Lost interest in it so no point in continuing. German me and Tippan have kinda had a thing for since 1st year. I wanted to pick german in my old school but the school wouldnt let me. Oh well, maybe i should have picked spychology B... Probably wouldnt have done very well in that class anyways. So i hope this year will be good. I start early tomorrow. German first thing. Somethign doesnt feel right... Dont know why. Today was just... wierd.
Im thinking about taking photography classes in the evenings, along with dance classes. My mom still hasnt signed me up for dance classes though. I hope its not gonna be too late.
For project work i want to do somethign that has to do with photography, i have no clue what though. Im so confused. Hate it. Im not even sure what we're supposed to do. I guess ill have to talk to the teacher and see what he says.
Im thinking about taking photography classes in the evenings, along with dance classes. My mom still hasnt signed me up for dance classes though. I hope its not gonna be too late.
For project work i want to do somethign that has to do with photography, i have no clue what though. Im so confused. Hate it. Im not even sure what we're supposed to do. I guess ill have to talk to the teacher and see what he says.
Lately i've just been down. I havent been fun to hang out with. Its been horrible, I've been horrible... Its just been getting worse and worse. Dont really know whats up, but i hope it passes soon. So i want to apologise about how ive been acting. Im sorry.
Screw it...
Im apparently not allowed to be mad or sad. If im mad and annoyed i should just forget about it and cheer up. If im sad and want to be alone, somethign must be terribly wrong or im doing drugs. Its just great to know you're family supports you when you're down. I should have left when i could. Screw everything. I dont know what to do now. I guess put on a fake smile and try to enjoy the evening.
22 August 2010
School starts tomorrow... I hate it. I really just feel like school is pointless for me. Im not diong well and my motivation is just gone. I mean i cant even remember what subjects i picked. If i even handed the paper with my choices in. But then again, the school should have sent a letter or a mail or something if i hadnt. I just feel down. I dont want to go to school. I really dont. All i hear from the teachers are that i should try harder, that i can do better.
Jag vill bara njuta av kvällarna, Slappna av. Jag vill bara göra något jag gillar att göra.. Kanske kan ta en foto kurs på kvällarna eller något. Jag undrar om mor har fixat så jag kan börja dansa igen. Ush..
I just want to cry. Wanted to all day.. Not really in the mood to talk to anyone. I dont know... Im just not in the best mood right now. My sister keeps complaining that im pissed off and that i should cheer up. I cant, and i dont understand why its so hard to understand.
Im so tired... I didnt sleep well at all last night. And its so tiring having the neighbours kids here all the time. Think its just better if i eat dinner and stay quiet until i go to bed.
Jag vill bara njuta av kvällarna, Slappna av. Jag vill bara göra något jag gillar att göra.. Kanske kan ta en foto kurs på kvällarna eller något. Jag undrar om mor har fixat så jag kan börja dansa igen. Ush..
I just want to cry. Wanted to all day.. Not really in the mood to talk to anyone. I dont know... Im just not in the best mood right now. My sister keeps complaining that im pissed off and that i should cheer up. I cant, and i dont understand why its so hard to understand.
Im so tired... I didnt sleep well at all last night. And its so tiring having the neighbours kids here all the time. Think its just better if i eat dinner and stay quiet until i go to bed.
Det regnar!! WOOOO!!! Nu känner jag för att slänga på mig gummistövlarna åter igen och springa ut och leka. HEHEHE. Så klart när man faktiskt var ute och redo för regn så var det bara kvaft ute. Varmt så att man dog. Eller ja, svättades som en liten gris. Men ja. Typ så här såg jag ut idag :D
(Grisen och jag har samma hårfärg!!!!! X3)
(Grisen och jag har samma hårfärg!!!!! X3)
21 Augusti 2010
Idag ska jag ut på stan med mor min. Ska köpa en agenda bl.a. Senare i kväll har kusin spelning som vi ska gå på. Blir nog roligt. Sist vi gick så var det ganska kul tycker jag. :3 Hoppas det blir det här med. Annars är det ju inte så långt bort, kan ju bara gå hem när vi känner för det. :) Nä ska klä på mig, sätta på mig gummistövlarna and head out :3 Jag tror nog mitt favorit plagg är gummistövlar X3 ♥(har ju faktiskt ett paraply som matchar!!![inte med mening])
Hmmm intense thinking going on here...
- If i was half black.. I'd have an all year around summer tan XD FUCK YEAH
- If i was a lesbien... I'd be attracted to girls... MORE XD
- If i showered now... I'd be clean in the morning! :O
- I have awesome childish hats XD
- Msn is like skype for dummies :D
- There's an elephant in my closet.
- Cinnamon buns are yummy.
- Im a retard!!! :D
- Det behöver inte vara konstigt.
- If i was a lesbien... I'd be attracted to girls... MORE XD
- If i showered now... I'd be clean in the morning! :O
- I have awesome childish hats XD
- Msn is like skype for dummies :D
- There's an elephant in my closet.
- Cinnamon buns are yummy.
- Im a retard!!! :D
- Det behöver inte vara konstigt.
I offcially love Tippan... Det behöver inte vara konstigt.
Vanity is my favorite sin.
I was bored, made my eyes smokey so i looked like a panda and took pictures. Inga konstigheter.
Nothing is perfect, so why wish for it to be?
20 Augusti 2010
Slow day today. Going to go eat lunch with my parents and then help them pack. They're moving the office. Sigh... Longer for me to walk to this new place. But yeah. So right now im getting ready and then im going to go buy some book and an agenda and stuff like that. Woop woop. Then i guess we'll see what happens. Oh the excitement. :3