23 August 2010
First day of school. Managed pretty well. Aparently i hadnt given in my choices. So i had to talk to the headmaster and pick something. English C and german 1. It feels wierd to not have art... Its the one thing i've always had. I guess its good to not have it though.. Lost interest in it so no point in continuing. German me and Tippan have kinda had a thing for since 1st year. I wanted to pick german in my old school but the school wouldnt let me. Oh well, maybe i should have picked spychology B... Probably wouldnt have done very well in that class anyways. So i hope this year will be good. I start early tomorrow. German first thing. Somethign doesnt feel right... Dont know why. Today was just... wierd.
Im thinking about taking photography classes in the evenings, along with dance classes. My mom still hasnt signed me up for dance classes though. I hope its not gonna be too late.
For project work i want to do somethign that has to do with photography, i have no clue what though. Im so confused. Hate it. Im not even sure what we're supposed to do. I guess ill have to talk to the teacher and see what he says.
Im thinking about taking photography classes in the evenings, along with dance classes. My mom still hasnt signed me up for dance classes though. I hope its not gonna be too late.
For project work i want to do somethign that has to do with photography, i have no clue what though. Im so confused. Hate it. Im not even sure what we're supposed to do. I guess ill have to talk to the teacher and see what he says.