Monday, 30.11.09
Still sick, but was allowed to leave the house today. So i went with my sister to walk ross and to get my mp3 that they finally have fixed (and hopefully will work for more than a month or two). So we got the dog and took him for a walk in Gärdet. Was nice. Fresh air in my lungs for the 2nd time in a week, well technically second, depends if you count going to statoil to buy icecream counts as getting a nice walk with fresh air. We are talking about statoil in town so not so fresh air you know. Works anyways so im happy.
After walking Ross, we went to pick up my mp3 player in Fältöversten. Ended up going to McDonalds and wandering around stores for a while. Found some pretty clothes. Cant wait untill i do my christmas shopping on friday. Might buy something for me too while im at it. Dont see the harm in doing that. Anyways, so ofcoarse we ended up in H&M where we found a very strange looking pink massage thing. We being the special people we are had no choice but to buy it. So about half an hour after an intense session of waiting and commenting on whatever my sister tried on (not as painful as it sounds, its actually quite fun), we had found some more things to buy. Hairbands, Pretty underwear, The massage thing and my sister got a pretty sweater.
Then we had to hurry to get the dog to walk him again. Ofcoarse my sister had to drag me out into the forrest... even though it was only around 5 when we walked him, it was still darker than a chimney sweepers ass outside! And the forrest doesnt exactly have the best lighting. But im still alive and well so its ok! Almost fell asleep in the car which was nice. I love car rides at night, they're so relaxing. Now that we're back my sister is cleaning her room and im watching. I love that im already done with the cleaning. Anyways we got the urge to count her shoes, or well the ones that she has in her room. There were 11 shoes in her room. Pretty good collection she has i must say.
I think the whole day has been pretty great, and i have to say that this time its all thanks to my sister. So i shall officually thank her for a fun day out of the house. <3
Winter Cleaning?
Ok, so even though im still sick i had to clean my room which means i had to clean my closit. Great fun. But i have ended up getting rid of some stuff so its ok. I also counted the amount of shoes i had in my closet (so there are some more out and about in the apartement. I ended up finding out that i had 22 shoes in my closet alone. WOO! But yeah, some of them i dont use, havent ever used and will never use so i had to throw them away. No biggie though. For once i didn not go all sentimental over my shoes. Might have been because my mom said we could do somethign fun and artistic with my old broken to peices converse.
Also i love finding old stuff that you can still use. Like, my Pokemon bedsheets that i found a while ago and are now in use. An extreamly cute bag that i had when i was going through im emo but i like glitter and cute things and im gonna show it off stage. It is adorible though.
The weather was kinda strange today though. Was all sunny and nice this morning, then around two pm started fogging up, and by 3pm it was totally misty outside. Creppy, pretty and calming.
So yesterday i managed to eat real food! I was so hungry, it wasnt even funny. I don't understand how anorexic peopel dont eat, actually i kinda do but still :P. I mean 3 or 4 days with only water and pigelin, It does get you quite hungry.. And not only was it food, was like traditional meatballs, mushedpotatoes, lingonsylt and brunsås! för sås ska det va! ok sorry bad comercial joke. :P Anyways so im back on normal food, feel pretty ok. But im still not allowed to go to school just yet, which sucks cause I've got an english presentation tomorrow. Hope my group does well without me. I didnt have much to say anyways so im sure it will.
Ok so picture time!!!! Enjoy <3
The pretty misty weather before it went totally misty.
My pretty shoes, all 22.
emo bag <3
POKEMON!Gotta catch 'em all! :D
And the creepy person of the year award goes to: ADAM LAMBERT
This guy... is CREEPY. Reason for me to say this. His performance at the AMA's (american music awards). I think it might even have beaten Lady Gaga's strange outfits. I suggest you look it up. Its very interesting how he pushes some guys head in his crotch and rubs it in there. :P Caught your interest? Good, now go look it up. :P
Idol Tove vs. Miley cyrus.
Ok so watching swedish idol and i noticed something. We all know how much shit Miley Cyrus is getting into by her small outfits and "outragous" and "provocative" dance moves. But why do people react like that? yes she's only seventeen but please, thirteen - fourteen year old girls are worse than her. And When it comes to her clothes, They really aren't that bad. Its kinda just what you wear in the summer, Nothing wrong with it!
And then sweet little Idol Tove Who JUST turned 17 like a week ago, goes on stage and is wearing what? Stockings, shoes, thin cardigan thing and... a bathingsuit?! Looks so bad! and still noone is saying anything. Not even my sister who usually complains about anyone who wouold wear short short and a t-shirt.. What.. the, fuck. Is that really fair? Is this just because Miley Cyrus is a Disney kid while Idol Tove just sings? Not fair at all and i dont get it. I mean im pretty sure that Idol Tove being swedish probably has been one of those people who go to parties, drink, hook up with random guys and no one thinks more about it..
Here are two pictures so you tell me who's worse.
Miley Cyrus Idol Tove
Silly people.
(and no i do not really have anything against Tove, just felt like comparing since they're the same age.)
Du Kan SMS:a Eller Ringa.
Sometimes, hardly ever but it happens, my dad can be quite funny. Like just now. He came home and after a while he started singing: "DU KAN SMS:A ELLER RINGAAA" I thought it was quite entertaining since he cant sing for his life so he sounds more or less exactly like the guy in the comercial singing it. :P
Oh and caught up in all my boredom i tried fixing a french manicure, my left hand is pretty ok actually but then my right one not so much :P WOO! i like animal planet, now watching "In search for the giant anaconda". WOO snakes are sooo cute ^^ Anyways my dad wont stop talking so now i shall go seem intereted in what he has to say. :P
Oh and im gonna change my obonemang. :) WOO! can text more, ^^ peobably gonna write more later. :P bye for now
And another boring day..
Today disney channel has been my oh so entertaining company today. I am STARVING!!! feel i might need chocolate.. or chocolate icecream.. Jen and jerrys? hmm.. Oh tastey flavors, where the HELL are you?! :P Ok serioulsy i am super hungry! i need to eat!!! But theres like no food in the fridge.. I hate waiting for food. God i want to eat a hamburger.. Or fries, nice salty fries.. Anyways. Gonna go back to watching disney now. wooo :P
Silly little lame me..
Ok short update on sickness:
Been feeding off of pigelin and cold water again. I tried eating spagetti more or less drenched in butter so it would slip down eaily, and.. IT WORKED!! Well ish, i mean i could eat it but it hurt but less than before. Couldnt eat a lot though cause it started hurting more after a while. but still, REAL FOOD!! But i think its still back to water tomorrow. :P
Very sad of me, I wanted to watch Fringe on channel five just now, and wow.. im easily freaked out when im alone. I get very freaked out by supernatural things. Its super creepy! so i changed channel to watch Generation Fett. :P Kinda interesting, this time its about fat gay men. Chubs and Chasers (chubs are fat men, chasers are thin men who like the chubs).
Anyways im gonna watch it now. bye bye
For the last 2 days i've been living on icey water and today i added to my lovely diet.. Pigelin (icey icecream). So it takes about one to two weeks untill im healthy. About two 3 more days untill im not contagious anymore.. yay. I dont think tv has ever been so boring and so entertaining at the same time.I think i atleast i kinda fell asleep for a while before today even though it probably was for only like ten min...
I feel like shit... Oh well back to my self pitying. bye
Sick again..
So last time I was sick I had something that seemed quite similar to what i have now. Swollen tonsils, sore throat, ears hurt, fever. Hurts like hell when i swallow. Im freezing like all the time. Its sucks. Ive got tonsillitis... YAY! its contagous aswell so i have to stay at home tomorrow as well and maybe even thursday when i have the english nationals... :( I guess if im sick im sick... Life just seems to hate me right now :P
New Moon!
Saw new moon today! Was pretty good, almost awesome. I mean Taylor Lautner shirtless through most of the movie.. cant really complain. But super bad ending, ended with a cliff hanger. But RAWR FOR TAYLOR! ^^ Edward can like go become a real vampire and die in the sunlight! i mean he's just not buff enough. Oh well i'll give the movie a 6 out of 10. Yes yes i suck. :)
Anger management?
So i just came back from dance, and i do enjoy it. Its just so nice when all your frustration is put into something. Warm up was AWESOME! sit put alot of effort into all the situps.. (we do like 7 different versions of situps.. -.-) So warm up and stretching got some anger out of me. Then we started a new dance (again..) But i really love this one. Song: I Hate This Part by Pussycat Dolls. Sucks though i really couldnt focus 100%.. But im sure it might be better next week.. hope some of the anger stays then.. kinda made me exagerate the movements more so it looked a but better than normally (normally I look like a retard.. today i just looked... stupid). Too bad i cant remember the dance anymore so i cant really practice... or well i remember some of it. YAY!
oh and also..
Helena.. Lämna mig ifred och sluta läsa min blogg!
Kan du inte låta mig vara?
I passed the history test!!!! Im like over joyed! I mean i didnt pass by mcuh but i did pass ^^
AAAAAAAAAND! P.E. test.. Passed!!!!!!!!!! ^^ got pass on the g-vg questions (got half right), and got vg/p+ on the vg-mvg questions! CELEBRATION TIME!!!!!!!
I give up..
This time i feel like there's kinda too much going on, so maybe i do need someone to talk to this time. Fine you win, i admit i might need some suport or help or whatever form someone else. So yes, you win. Find me someone i can talk to, and sure.. then sure, ill try.. ill try to talk. But i cant promise anything. And not that it would solve anything really, but ill give it a shot. Better be optimistic right..? So yeah, ill try if you'll find someone willing to hear me whine and complain about the stupid things that are bringing me down.. Cause yes, they realy are stupid..
School, boring.. Wasnt feeling very happy at the begining of the day. Art class was pretty dull, the extra teacher there thought my name was Helena and didnt seem to like my explenation of what inspired me to do my photo that way. :P (my answer was more or less; i dont know, no clue and didnt think about it). Then didnt even have a proper swedish lesson so did nothing. P.E. Had badminton but decided to go down to the gym after a while. Was ok. :)
Then after school, i had NOTHINg to do, so i went to my parents/brothers office and ate some strange baked thing and drank coke. Went into town with my mom and sister and got boots and a new black sweater ^^ We act like retards the three of us when we're out by normal people. It really got my mood up. :D
Then again i acted even more like a retard when me and my sister were out walking the dog last time that day. Music and a silly dance made people change sidewalk ^^ silly peoples.
Then yesterday, started the day by cleaning and then Anna and Ibbe came over. I had baked a birthday cake for Ìbbe since his birthday was on tuesday, anna brought the present we had bought him. So to shorten the whole thing down, we celebrated him yesterday :P
And today I cleaned my brothers/parents office. Thats it. :P YAY for sleep. Slept untill 11.30 something today ^^ was awesome. Been way too bored after and before cleaning though. So bored im actually watching desperate housewives. :S I need somethign to do... Ill ust eat some left over cake ^^ (Its awesome chocolate cake with banana and chocolate frosting in/on it ^^)
My sister called a while ago since she's out with the dog, She obviously forgot my age since she asked me to go to ica to buy cider :P thought it was kinda funny. :) Anyways thats all for now. :)
I really should go to bed, but i just finnished the english thing and i still have to do swedish. I could go to bed and tell the teacher i forgot to print it or i could stay up untill like one go to bed and sleep 5 hours.. Hmm i think ill actually do something in between. Ill write some, go to bed and sleep 6 hours. YAY! (yes sarcasm). I really do hate homework. Its not like we're gonna learn something just by taking it home, we're gonna do it half heartedly and then forget about it. Unless we're studying and reading something we're most probably not gonna learn anything. Like writing assingments.. What do we learn from them? Ok i do know the answer to it.. Better sentence structure, how to formulate yourself, and ofc spelling. But really, we learn to do that in class too. Yes yes practice makes perfect blah blah blah. Its all just feels so pointless. Oh well i guess om off to write about "Ida", the fossil of a possibly 47 million years old. or someting like that. Oh fuck it.. ill go to bed, my sleep is more important to me than the homework. Its strange though, no matter how much i sleep.. i dont feel less exhausted. Maybe i should check that out.. Oh well.
History test was today... I dont think it went very well, just like all other tests have gone lately.. Nothing seems to be going very well right now. Then it doesnt help to come home and everyone expecting me to be all social (ja helena, du). Its just so annoying. Cant i just be left alone? Atleast for a while? But then on the other hand i only want to be alone when im at home.. Strange.
I was gonna spend tomorrow with my sister, but she has to work so i have Nothing to do.. At all.. Yay, loner time! I have to work on swedish and english now and i really cant bother to write more right now.
Pointless & pathetic much..?
Tomorrow i have a history test. As usual i study from time to time, leave it a day or two, study some more and etc. Still the more i read, the more i feel i dont get anything. Nothing really sticks in my head. Makes me feel stupid, which makes me mad, whcih makes me kinda upset, which makes me even mader and stupider. Feels like i cant do anything right. I might aswell not go do the test. Im probably gonna get the same grade anyways so whats the point..? To atleast have been there and tried? show that im making an effort? To see how much i actually know? Yes yes its all good i guess. But really i can go, i can try, i can try to show that im making an effort.. but what will the teacher see..? Someone who hasnt bother to study probably. It just seems pointless. And i feel so pathetic for sitting and feeling sorry for myself (which makes me pissed off). Why cant i just ge off my ass and try harder..? where's that will i used to have? I used to be good at studying, used to get pretty ok actually... I just dont know whats happend or how i can change it..
I also want someone to talk to.. but who tell hell is there to talk to? I dont want to talk to my family, they're just gonna want to do something about the issue, whatever the issue may be. And friends.. why would i bother them with my issues..? its better to put on a smile and say everythign is fine. I've tough myself ways to kinda hide when things are wrong.. "im just tired" is the best exuse so far. Ofc it happens that i can be exhausted sometimes so im not saying its always a lie, but it happens. But oh well. Ill bottle it up and forget about it, its all good.
Im gonna get back to studying now.. I still have to do some more english aswell.. Does it never end? well probably. Drawn the thing for english now so atleast thats done. Just gotta improve what i wrote though. Seems like my group really doesnt like me... I really cant bother to care right now though.. taken too much energy as it is. So i'll work on it a bit later.. I forgot my english book in school though.. Guess i'll have to improvise then..
Oh well. Really gonna go study now though.
School stuff..
My mom wanted one of my teachers to call her today... yay. Its fine though im sure. Hopefully nothing bad will happen now :P Oh fuck it im too tired to write more.. Special! its not even 9 yet and im basically asleep... Well well. Off i go. To fanstasie land ^^ FaIRIES!!!!!!! :P
Need to redo english, paint/draw for english, History test, french i need to do better in, just feels like im failing everything. Right now i just wanna have fun, dont wanna work or have to do thing. Oh well, not much to do about it.
Later yesterday my energy just disapeared completely, basically passed out on the sofa at 9ish. Quite nice if you take away the fact that the sofa isn't that compfortable. Woke up at 10ish later and decided i should go to bed. But couldnt sleep cause my dad was watching a movie in their bedroom and the walls arent thick enough, fell asleep aventually though so its all good.
Today i have to study history and i have to do a geography question for tuesday cause i failed the test. and a great start to the day; couldnt find the history book so i thought it was in my locker. spent ages looking for it, finially found it though. My family wants us to have some family time today aswell. Like thats gonna be any fun, we're probably gonna end up fighting or atleast getting annoyed.
Right now im watching the worst follow up movie ever on disney channel. So i think im gonna go and watch it.