Monday, 30.11.09
Still sick, but was allowed to leave the house today. So i went with my sister to walk ross and to get my mp3 that they finally have fixed (and hopefully will work for more than a month or two). So we got the dog and took him for a walk in Gärdet. Was nice. Fresh air in my lungs for the 2nd time in a week, well technically second, depends if you count going to statoil to buy icecream counts as getting a nice walk with fresh air. We are talking about statoil in town so not so fresh air you know. Works anyways so im happy.
After walking Ross, we went to pick up my mp3 player in Fältöversten. Ended up going to McDonalds and wandering around stores for a while. Found some pretty clothes. Cant wait untill i do my christmas shopping on friday. Might buy something for me too while im at it. Dont see the harm in doing that. Anyways, so ofcoarse we ended up in H&M where we found a very strange looking pink massage thing. We being the special people we are had no choice but to buy it. So about half an hour after an intense session of waiting and commenting on whatever my sister tried on (not as painful as it sounds, its actually quite fun), we had found some more things to buy. Hairbands, Pretty underwear, The massage thing and my sister got a pretty sweater.
Then we had to hurry to get the dog to walk him again. Ofcoarse my sister had to drag me out into the forrest... even though it was only around 5 when we walked him, it was still darker than a chimney sweepers ass outside! And the forrest doesnt exactly have the best lighting. But im still alive and well so its ok! Almost fell asleep in the car which was nice. I love car rides at night, they're so relaxing. Now that we're back my sister is cleaning her room and im watching. I love that im already done with the cleaning. Anyways we got the urge to count her shoes, or well the ones that she has in her room. There were 11 shoes in her room. Pretty good collection she has i must say.
I think the whole day has been pretty great, and i have to say that this time its all thanks to my sister. So i shall officually thank her for a fun day out of the house. <3