Du Kan SMS:a Eller Ringa.
Sometimes, hardly ever but it happens, my dad can be quite funny. Like just now. He came home and after a while he started singing: "DU KAN SMS:A ELLER RINGAAA" I thought it was quite entertaining since he cant sing for his life so he sounds more or less exactly like the guy in the comercial singing it. :P
Oh and caught up in all my boredom i tried fixing a french manicure, my left hand is pretty ok actually but then my right one not so much :P WOO! i like animal planet, now watching "In search for the giant anaconda". WOO snakes are sooo cute ^^ Anyways my dad wont stop talking so now i shall go seem intereted in what he has to say. :P
Oh and im gonna change my obonemang. :) WOO! can text more, ^^ peobably gonna write more later. :P bye for now