Going back
Le France..
Ok, so during this holiday, i was in france. Besides the packing i had to do, it was fun. I got to go to my old school and meet up with some of my old class mates. Then i wemt to cannes with Tara and were random (as always :D). Was great, and then i also went to Ellie's vacation house and spent a day there, great fun (COKE!!! ;D) and then last thing I spent another day in cannes with tara where we got engaged. Lol not for real ofcoarse but we were random and bought matching rings (very cute,very pink and they look like bows) and then she slept over, we played SingStar we got very tired of the songs in the end of the evening but was fun. Random as we are we recored us singing it, and no you shall not see this video utill.. sometime in the far future. Oh! and During the day in cannes i also found HAIRCLIP BOWS!!! (I found them patti! and they are sooooooooo pretty :D) but yes. So later when i get home, ill upload some of the pictures that were taken. And sorry Stacia that we didnt get a chance to meet, but next time! :)
Was fun seeing you all. <3
on tuesday it was semledagen AND I MISSED IT!!!!!! All this preparation for the best day of the year (besides my birthday, x-mas and such) AND IM NOT THERE!!!! very upsetting... but oh well. I shall make my own semledag and celebrate with Ellen (ja du måste äta med mig :P) so prepair! :P (i also sugest we go to TGI Fridays and get balloons! :P )

And AWAY it goes :)
I had to call the school and tell them i wouldn't be comming to school because i would be going abroad (yes i used that word, so proud), and that i found out yesterday evening to i didnt have time to fill in the sheet that you're suposed to. But there was no problem about that, the secretary said i should just fill it in after the holidays when i come back, so no biggie. FUCK YEAH! im going to france!!! :D
And just now i promised Tippan that the FIRST thing i would say when i land is "Je suis une baguette", so lets see if i remember shall we. The person next to me is probably gonna think im sooo strange but i dont care. is gonna be fun. I'll write more when i get there. :D
Shush Girl! shut your lips..
(since i havent figured out how to make the video show, ill put the link here instead)
Mega update.
Hair: So most of you know that I am blonde right now, but i really want to do something a bit more extreme.. Like colour my hair black or REALLY dark brown, and cut my hair emo/scene style. So i went on google and looked up some images on emo/scene girls to see their hair styles and colour. And yes i found a few pictures which i thought were really nice, so when i was bored a random day i decided to put the edit the pictures a bit and put them together. So here are the pictures, and please do comment about what you think i should do with my hair. =)

The Valentines Day cake: So as i said before a baked a cake for my sister. And i did take a picture of it to show you all how it looked. too bad you can't taste it. =P

Before we cut it..

And about 2 minuits after i had put the frosting on. <3
Music: I've found a bunch of good songs lately but unfortunatly i can't remember all the songs.. so here are just a few:
The Rasmus - Justify
Kimberly Locke - Better than
Jadon Lavik - Let it go
Teddy Geiger - For You I Will
A Day To Remember - Since You've Been Gone
Maths: Well ye...maths... Its basically killing me slowly, and the teacher gives me extra pages to do when i tell her i dont understand what it is we are doing.. but oh well, its just to keep working and not give up. Ofcoarse i am going to need help... A lot of help.. but it'll be worth it.
Random: Yes so Everytime i go somewhere i usually bring my camera so here are some random pictures from these random times.

Well i think this should be enough for now. =P And ill try to keep my blog updated, from now on.
More Hearts and Shlager
Also yesterday I decided to be nice and bake for my sister, who is rather lonely since her boyfriend is in another country. So I baked her a heartshaped chocolate cake with homemade frosting, she was for the idea of the frosting at the begining but then all of a sudden chnaged her mind. The cake tasted good, well i thought it did, but she was very against the frosting so now we are stuck with 3/4 of a cake with frosting in the fridge just waiting to be eaten by someone. Im more of a baker then an eater so i guess i will have to find someone else to eat the cake.. (Tippan?Ellen? någon intreserad av att äta min super fiina tårta?). But oh well, yes that was my how i spent my valentinesday, with my sister.. baking cakes, running to the store several times and cleaning up after me (ofcoarse) and HER because for some off reason she is incapable of cleaning up after herself, But man is she good at complaining. And then at around one at night we had to rush off to pick up our parents who had been at a dinner at a friend of theirs.
So i hope you guys had a better Valentinesday then me. <3
Hearts and Shlager
Ok, but back to the shlager.. So the hostess is VERY annoying and i just wanna punch her face in. but oh well. In a few weeks she will be gone and we will all live in harmony. :P
These different songs that are this week.. with some comments
Now the 1st song is on and OH MY GOD is it bad! Two 40 year old women wo are singing GIMME GIMME GIMME! over and over again.. gosh..all i have to say is * HAHAHAHA *Astma LOL*!!!!!!!!!
2nd song: "Jag ska slåss i dina kvarter" by Lasse.. Why cant it be in english?! but its actually ok. A lot like Håkan Hellström. (which i don't really like much), oh and the translation to the song is: 'I'm going to fight in your neighbourhood' Who would sing that over and over again?! exept for him :P
3rd song: "Never been here before" by Jennifer Brown.. Soft dramatic start... i dont like it. Atleast she can sing, thats always a possitive thing. Very squikie though but its allright. But besides that, not a great song and she doesnt know how to move or what to wear :P.
4th song: "1000 miles" by Heat.. Well finally some rock! OHOH!!! and i like!!! I mean.. sure they look kinda stupid and very 80's but MAN are they good! I almost want to vote for them. (Ellen du håller väll med om att dom e bra =D) Even the dogs legs are moving to the music.. (i know.. he is dreaming but still!)
5th song: "kärlekssong från mig" by Markoolio.. Oh.. my.. god.. I hate it! He just can't sing! its not even worth writing more about :P
6th song: "It's my life" by Amy Diamond.. I hate this girl..(she's 16) she wasnt good last year, and she still isn't good! AND WHAT is she wearing?! She looks pregnant! and the dansers look WAAY better then her.. Oh well.. she'll learn. :P
7th song: "What if" by Cookies and Beans.. Country song, but its quite ok. But more of a background song to a movie or something.. so ill just say its ok.
8th song: "Hope and glory" by Måns Zelmerlöv.. Very.. shlager, but still like young people would like it.. but i dont :P OOO! hot girls in underwear bouncing arounf. this performans just became better :P and this is why he will go further into the competition: Girl magnet/idol/can almost sing very well/hot girls in the background. :P
And thats it, Finally!!! but yes i hope that Heat will continue into the competition. So i shall watch the rest and then write more about how it went. (if i get back in time from walking the dog).
An intresting weekend...
But atleast now we have learnt what not to do/use when coloúring hair.
Ledsen Ellen, men du känar iallafall på det här :P <3