Finally its over-
Im done with my research paper now. I feel releaved! Finally its over! Feels like a small pressure has been removed from my chest. Its awesome. Still some things left though.. I have to write my speech for swedish tomorrow. And my International Relations essay for tuesday. Hopefully i'll manage that, No. Im going to manage. Its amazing how good i feel about finnishing this paper. Its nine pages long and i think its pretty good. Probably did it wrong but its still pretty good. So im happy if i get a pass, i mean, i want to stay realistic here. I really hope this will help me relax now. I mean i have art tomorrow and for the first time in two years, im looking forward to it. Im actually doing something in art now. This means Tara, that i will take a picture of it so that you can see when its done. :3 hopefully i will be tomorrow. I dont want to take too long with this. Stupid thing is a forgot to paint a background.. Dont think i want one though. We'll see how it turnes out :3
MJUFF ^^ ♥♥♥♥♥
MJUFF ^^ ♥♥♥♥♥