03.05.2010. How to train your dragon.♥
Pointless day so far. Mondays i only have two lessons, English, lunch and then socials; and i start quite late. So i got to school on time. I was even early, so i went to ICA and got breakfast (some fruits and berries and a Yoggi smoothie thing). English teacher told us that our socials techer wouldnt be there today, so no lesson, and he then told us to go work on our reasearch papers. So after ten min, we could leave. Me, Tippan and Anna decided to go to the cinema and watch How to train your dragon (Draktränaren)(in 3D). I think, i have a new favorite movie. It was amazing.Very typical and you could figure out what would happen very fast, but was still good. Amazing. We all walked out of there going, "I want a dragon!". So now i have to take my, soon to be, 22 year old sister to see the movie aswell. So GO WATCH IT! ♥
Now i have to focus on the research paper i need to hand in tomorrow. Its a pain im the ass i must say. 10 pages i gotta re-write. Hopefully i'll manage just fine. Would be great with some help, but we'll see.

Now i have to focus on the research paper i need to hand in tomorrow. Its a pain im the ass i must say. 10 pages i gotta re-write. Hopefully i'll manage just fine. Would be great with some help, but we'll see.
