13.03.2010. Och så var det lördag igen.
So right before bed yesterday i felt kinda sick, almost like i was about to throw up.. I think it's quite strange since it was about two weeks ago that i was sick and threw up. Can't be sick again already?! But thank god i felt a little better this morning. Had a stomach ache and stuff but now im enjoying a glass of påskmust and a rice cookie thing. Yum. Was in town before with my mom and my sister cause of the nice weather. FINALLY! The sun is shining and its not snow everywhere. I was kinda surprised when i looked out the window and noticed that the snow was gone! Pleasant surprise though. And just because im determined that its spring, i decided to wear my lather jacket. Was kinda cold but totally worth it! SPRING! :)
Got a shirt and socks though! Im super excited about the socks. FINALLY! Almost all of mine are either broken or have disappeared, so, YAY! Since my plans had to be cancelled yesterday, im forcing the person to come over today. And to torture it a little bit just for fun, I might make it watch melodifestivalen (whihc so totally should be called shlagerfestivalen but anyhow). Mostly cause i want to see if "man whore" will make it. Its the finals tonight so if he does he'll go to europe music awards! WOO! :P