06.03.2010. Long walk in the sun ends with a myskväll.
The sun was shining bright all day today. I couldn't resist walking the dog with my mom in the morning and then take an afternoon walk with the dog, my sister and my mom. I don't know why, the sun just made me happy. Felt hopeful today. The sun was just so bright and warming, was hard not to feel happy. Me and my sister are determined that spring is here, so of coarse we had to take our sun-glasses. Although, think spring really is on its way. The ice is slowly melting, and if you look at the ice hanging from the roofs you can see drops of water sliding down and hitting the ground. Can't wait for a little warmth to come.
So today its shlagerfestivalen thing. I've missed a lot of the past competitions but gonna watch it today with my family. Myskväll. So me and my sister went to Ica and bought ice cream, chips and soda. Gonna stuff our small cute faces and hopefully roll satisfied into our beds later tonight.
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