I Love You ♥

You looked something like this when i first met you. Small adorible innocent little you. Nicest sweetest person i'd met. We werent that close back then, but i still knew who you were, and from what i remember, i liked you a lot. :3

I had no idea that after about 3 years, i'd come back and you'd be the 1st person to talk to me. Right after assembly. The nicest person i'd ever talk to through out the following 4 years. The following 2 years we didnt talk much but you were still the nicest, sweetest, most adorible person ever (And mind you! you will always be :3). In 9th grade thats when we started becoming close. Thank god. Always there when i needed someone to cheer me up even if i hadnt told you. Im sorry though i made you look slightly emo and turned you into the best perv ever ♥♥♥. We all know it was always inside you. I just helped it out. I seriously dont think i have ever had a friend like you. Because you never leave. Not completely. You're still always there.

And thank god we got to have art together! Those lessons changed my whole school experience for the better. I always looked forward to art. I swear we must have driven Ms. Hart insane with all our random discussions. But it doesnt matter. It was completely worth it. Cause it got me closer to you than ever.

Now you are one of the very few people that will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. I hope you will never change from the adorible, nice person you are. Because you mean so much to me. You're one of those people i could call whenever at whatever hour if something has happened. I LOVE YOU. And omg you're going from adorible to hot. ;)

Had so much fun when you were with me in sweden. :3 ♥♥♥


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