Plain boring.
For about an hour or so now, i've been sitting in my room, on my bed, waiting for my pants to dry. Otherwise, it will be very cold to walk around. Am plannig to go buy chips and soda cause people are coming over to watch movies. Will probably be fun. God since like yesterday or sometime, ive had like strnage moodswings. Im gonna try to ignore them but like right now, im really annoyed cause of the damn pants that never seem to dry. Just to have somethign to do before, i cleaned my room a bit, fixed in my sisters room a bit, put pictures on my wall, straightened my hair.. twice, played solitare with real cards. I think thats about it. Oh downloaded a few songs by Taylor swift. Now i've been listening to the same damn songs for like two hours. I really like one of the songs though, called fifteen. Its quite cute. Total chick song though.. Helena, du kommer nog tycka om den, men inte texten. Maybe I should bake.. But then i probably have to go buy stuff before i start, and if people are coming at five i wont have a lot of time. Oh well, i can buy cookies later. My dad found this picture that was took of me and a friend way long time ago, maybe 8 years ago. Its kinda cute. My friends mom sent it to us a while ago but my dad just found it again. Took a copy of it and now it is going up on my wall. I need more gluetag or whatever its called. Well, im off. <3
Du knopp, moodswings? Du kanske är på tjocken med ett litet asiatikt barn?? I såna fall vill jag inte ha barnet. Om det inte är ett urgulligt barn, då tänker jag kidnappa ungen och flytta till amerika där du aldrig kan hitta mig!! Moahahaha.
Okej, nu har jag tröttnat. Så angående den där Taylor Swift låten, jag har hört den redan. Melodin är bra, musiken är bra, men texten suger. Det är för tusan så det är att vara 15. Det va för uppenbart. Men om du terroriserar mig med den låten så kommer jag kanske gilla den sen...
Och DU!!! Du fixade MITT rum??? Sötnos där. Vad gjorde du då?