meh -
Realised that my mind just wont make up its mind. I keep wanting two completely oposite things at the same time. No matter what its about. I cant make up my mind. Maybe thats why my mood keeps going down all the time, why i dont wnat people to talk to me, why i want to be left alone.. Cause then i dont have to make any decisions, wouldn't have to make up my mind about anything. Wouldnt have to stand the fakeness that surrounds us all. Feels like Its all fake. And there's no point in trying anymore, if i even tried to start with. Just to hear people talk and empty words just fly out. No one really cares about anything. Everything is so superficial and shallow. Just seems like being alone is the simplest answer right now.
I dont feel like i really care about anything anymore. Anything i had an interest in before, has just disapeared. Its gone, vanished. Like before, I could sit and draw, paint or sketch and really enjoy doing it. Now picking up and pencil and drawing a line seems like a waste of time. I mean i used to be good at art. It was the one lesson i couldnt wait to go to. And now, i just cant wait to get away from it.. What the hell happened for the thing that made me happy just to make me feel so down..? Feels like i've become one of those superficial girls who only care about how they look and shit. Hate it, so im slowly but surely starting to hate myself more and more. What the hell is going on..?
Hope these feelings will pass real soon. But not much to do about it now. Fuck the world. ^^
inga frågor, för jag kan inte svara på nått. Det kanske bara är så här jag känne just nu och det kanske går över. Så låt det vara. Alla har sina dagar då inget känns rätt. Det borde du veta. Så låt det vara. Och sluta stalka mig -.- Shit jobbigt ju.. Och du kunde updaterat din blogg mer än du gort.
Du, no questions asked. Vem har inte mått så? Det är för jävla tråkigt. Du kanske skulle må bättre om jag kom hem och köpte glass åt dig? :)
Och det där om "fuck the world"... Det innefattar väl inte mig, va...?