Drama day tomorrow. Exciting. Im supposed to help out with overhead pictures but Im not actually needed to think i'll just sit and watch the show. I mean i don't even know when the pictures are supposed to be on. So Im really not doing anything.. Im in a kinda mellow mood.. is mellow the right word..? Well Im feeling kinda down but not really. Not happy not sad but more towards the sad. Im so great at explaining aren't I..? But yeah. I just really want to be quiet and hug someone. Ha.. just thought about how my sister is gonna tease me for saying that. She's like the definition of cheesy though, so i am slightly amused. Ja helena det är du faktiskt. But yeah drama day.. Im gonna go there at 09.00 and Im gonna watch all plays. Think they end at around 16.00. I actually haven't seen my class' play so gonna enjoy that. So want to run up on stage at the end wearing a chicken suit and do the chicken dance. Would be awesome. Should have gotten a suit and downloaded the song... Oh well. Off to bed since i have to get up at 06.30 or 07.00 tomorrow since I have no clue how the trains or busses are going. GAAAH Stupid pretty snow..
Night people.
Miss you Tara! Should talk properly again soon! <3<3<3<3<3
Postat av: Helena
Du, som jag nyss (som du inte fattade). Jag satt ju PRECIS bredvid dig!! Du kunde ju kramat mig massor ju!!! fnys