Lord of teh rings! Im on the 2nd movie! I like these movies!!! :D Gotta see the last one!!! will do that tomorrow morning maybe :P Exciting, my birthday tomorrow. I Only have one lesson cause history is cancelled. So i start at 13.20. And then i end an hour and twenty min after. XD Skillat. ELLER?! sen ska syster till model house! :O kul att bli plåtad, men will she be able to keep a straight face when me and my mom are watching? :P HEHEHEHE. Nä, men det bilr säkert fina bilder i alla fall. :3. MIHI!!!! ^^ DOTELALALALAAAA XD otroligt random humör just nu. Har varit hela dagen. :3 KRAM PÅ ALLA MJUKA GLADA!! XD ♥