Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, Do you know you're unlike any other? You'll always be my thunder, So bring on the rain, Oh baby bring on the pain, And listen to the thunder ♥
It started raining. There's something about rain. Something that calms me, makes me happy, makes me forget my troubles. I wish it would rain properly here. It never does.. I want real proper shower of rain. I miss that. I miss running around in the rain with you (I miss you), I miss watching the lightning, listening to the thunder, just standing there, letting the rain fall on me (standing, jumping around, dancing, all the same).
Oh how i needed this. How i needed the rain. How i needed to let the rain wash away everything. Thank god for the rain. Dont know what i would do without it..
Thunder-boys like girls ♥

Oh how i needed this. How i needed the rain. How i needed to let the rain wash away everything. Thank god for the rain. Dont know what i would do without it..
Thunder-boys like girls ♥
