Bowling, Shutup And Dance, Miley Cyrus & hair
7/07) Today i went bowling with some of my friends. I completly suck! I did get 3 strikes but two of them was when i was playing for someone else, oh joy. But it was fun. The place we went to was at St. Eriksplan and was pretty good. Some bad music from like the 50's 60's, cranky old man who was there. But besides that it was fun. No pictures this time, Patti has some on her phone though. :)
Shutup And Dance is such an awesome band! check out some of their songs on and let me know what you think. :)
[Tara i think you'd really like them, kinda like flyleaf but not so hardcore :P]
Tomorrow is a cleaning day at my place. YAY! cleaning my favorite thing to do. Sence the sarcasm? Good. :P
News of the week!! My friend has be most awesome thing in his room ever! (Davedays Style) unfortunatly the picture seems not to want to upload onto this blog. But for those who know who Davedays is know that he has his cardboard Miley Cyrus. Well so does my friend. It is awesome.
Since i easily get bored i usually end up cutting my hair.. this time has been no diffrent. so yes i cut my hair again. Now its kinda scenehair like but still quite casual. I like it. Tell me what you think :P
is it:
Go kill yourself?
Keep up the good work?
Leave your hair alone?
tell me :)