Dyskalculis - Dyslexia meeting
So today I had a meeting with the school doctor (not nurse) to talk about if I have dyslexia or dyscalculis (why are these words always so difficult to spell..) and to see if we should make me do a test for it. For some reason i had written in my agenda that this meeting was tomorrow, thank god the school nurse had my mobile number and sent me a reminding text that said that it was today. The meeting was at 9.00 and i woke up at 8.30, which meant i had to get dressed and get makeup done in about 5-10 min. Some how me and my parents still managed to get there only 5 min too late. It was a very stressfull start to the day. Then the rest of the day i was exausted and almost fell asleep in class, but oh well. So that was my day today. Yaay. :P