Julpynt och Pepparkakshus.
This whole weekend went kinda diffrently than planned. Saturday we were supposed to make christmas decorations and stuff. Which didnt happen because Ross' neck had swollen up and just looked horrible, so we had to take him to the person we got him from to see if she could help us see what was wrong. (he got bitten by a big dog last week. you can read about it on my sisters blog: www.nenaispigeon.blogg.se). Anyways so we spent most of saturday there.. And then went food shopping. Exciting. Then yesterday I had to clean the office which took quite some time, so like half the day dissapeared just like that. But when we came home we ate and then we started Straying things with glitter, painted things gold and red, fixed the oranges so they looked all pretty and made TWO gingerbread houses. Yes two. They are oh so pretty. One side of my house is all pretty and neat, and the other side looks more like a small child made it. But i like it. So even though the weekend kinda messed up, turned out quite nicely. :D I'll put up pictures later.