Fail, Massage and Stress.
Well im still stressed out to the extreme. Have two presentations tomorrow, and art homework that i have to do. 3 essays that i have to do, thank god one is for after the holiday though. But one was due sunday night and the other one is due friday. History, which is due friday is coming along quite ok actually, which makes it seem a bit better but still have to write a lot.
Today just seemes to fail on me most of the time. I woke up late and hurried to get to school on time. Didnt eat breakfast, put on tiny bit of makeup, hair up in a ponytail thing, grabbed the first clothes i could see. RAN down to the bus, and alsmost got hit by a car on the way and almost slipped. Atleast i made it in time for both busses i take. Got off at school when my mom called me and pointed out that i was an hour early.. ONE HOUR! Then Anna T freaked me out by saying we had the geography presentations today! thank god she was wrong. Spend almost the whole geography lesson doing almost nothing.. Well i was looking for information for the presentation. That lesson ended ten min early so i went with Anna to eat lunch and then went to gym. And thank god we could pick to do some sport, go to the gym or massage. My neck was killing me and it helped with the awesome massage Tippan gave me. Then lunch was ok, Classtime was pointell like always and then... French.. Translating poems are not my thing.. And specially not when i havent understood the french teacher for the last... 4 months? probably more.
Went to the statsbibloteket with Tippan today after school so i could find information on Vasco da Gama. Yeah, they had a book, but wow.. it really didnt help what so ever. And it was so silent, almost freaked me out a bit. Specially since there was a woman sitting behind me that was like watching me and what i was doing and falling asleep from time to time. Was so cold walking home, and the snow and the wind didnt help. So tomorrow i have to wear my very special winter jacket. Yep, it is time for.. the marschmellow jacket. I am prepaired to be laughed at, cause it is just really rediculous. Who wares a baby pink huge fluffy jacket? Besides the other two people i've seen with the same jacket.. Oh well Gonna eat fish sticks for dinner, woo! yummy. I seem to be the only person who actually likes fish sticks, strange people. Anyways i have to work on the essays now. <3
Helena din lilla shitunge, du får ta och svara när man sms:ar dig!
Helena gllar inte glögg. (