Christmas shopping and pointless talk ^^
It's exhausting!!!!!!!! But YAY!! im almost done ^^ and its great cause i dont think i'll be completely broke by the time im done ^^ *HAPPY*. WOO! It snowed today! EXCITING!!! so me and my sister being the way we are, did what any retard would have done... TOUNGE OUT AND CATCH THE SNOW!!!!!! ^^ WOO! Anyways now im sitting here, writing christmas cards to special peoples ^^ <3<3 so tomorrow i am determined to finnish off the shopping. then.. im off to christmas dinner ^^ but then somehow i have to find time to write an essay on the wasteland which i was suposed to have been done with about.. a month ago i think, maybe more.. yeah.. i avent started. its ok though. Oh and total fail today, I put my stuff in anna's locker, and when i was leaving (cause she was doing a test) i couldnt open her locker cause of the strange lock she has. :P not even john could. anyhow it was cold!!! (since it snowed you know. :P) so i stole heat at ibbe's place while i waited for anna to be done with the test :P Was just as cold on the way back :P little fail. :P just a little (did i mention my bus card was in her locker? :P yeah so i couldnt really go home :P) wow, no stucture right now. :P Oh well ^^ gonna go do soemthign else now :D <3<3<3