I took the swine flu shot today. Wasnt very pleasant. I am HATE shots. The whole idea of needles penetrating your skin and pushing fluids into you just creeps me out. Hahah, yes i JUST realised how that sounded. I apologise. Oh well. Now my arm hurts like hell and i cant lift it upproperly without making a randomass face (expressing my pain :P) So Damn the person who dares to poke my arm while im in pain. Atleast something possitive came out of it. My parents took me to a resturant and bought me food. Yay for nice parents.
Then i went with my parents to their office to help my mom with some things. Yeah, she didnt really need my help so i had nothign to do for three hours. And my dad was working and then walking the dog so yeah. Everyone was busy. I love when parents say that things will only take a minute and it takes at least an hour. But oh well. I had time to doodle on paper and nails and arms. So was ok. Then me and my mom went into town for some half necesary shopping. Was nice.
Got a few things so im satesfied. Oh and the red hairdye i got is more or less completely gone now. So on thursday i am redoing it. If you wonder what it is that i used since its went out so fast ill post a picture of the package, and you can find it in a few emo stores here in sweden. Oh and a HUGE thanks to Sasha. He is awesome and sends cards and pictures to me and my sister. So now i have a few pictures on my desk. Its nice. THANK YOU SASHA! <3
Paws on my wrist, possible future tatoo? Oh and leopard nails. Failed picture.
What i bought today, well not the mascara or foundation brush but the rest.
thank you Sasha :) <3
hair colour brand. Enjoy :P