12.12.2009 - 13.12.2009
Woke up late, around twelve. Got up had breakfast with my sister. WOO! Then we got ready and went into town. I was christmas present hunting. Didn't go too well. But its ok. Was supposed to meet up with people at 2.30 to buy food for a christmas dinner, but I ended up being a bit late... An hour late actually. I wasnt the only one though so im guessing it was ok :P. So yeah, we bought food and went home to Josefin and baked and made home made meatballs. So we had, meatballs, chocolate, chocolate, Julmust and i think some more chocolate. Was very cosy and nice. Specially since it snowed and we had christas music :D.
After the dinner i left at 20.00 to go see my brothers friends play football (he was coaching), with my sister. Took us about an hour and a half to find our way to Jakobsberg, and we somehow managed to end up in Rinkeby. My sister should listen to me a little more sometimes when i tell her to turn :P. Anyways, we'd like missed half of the matches when we finally found the place. But my brother was happy we showed up anyways. So during the games, every time my brothers team scored, me and my sister were the only two people clapping out of about 50 people. Was entertaining. Then we went for hamburgers, so we didnt get home untill around one. OH! and i found a 50kr bill which i took home and washed (it was way dirty). :D
Today we celebrated Christmas. Yes its way early, but my sister isn't going to be here for christmas so we decided to celebrate it today just for her. So Morning was normal, but then i took my sister out to the movies to see "Disneys - En jul saga" with Jim Carrey (A christmas carrol i think its called in English). It was a really good movie actually, and it was the first 3D movie we had ever seen so was pretty special, and ofcoarse we were the only two people laughing out loud during random parts of the movie. :D <3 It was fun. I love my sister sometimes. :)
Then we went home, where my mom was making christmas food. We had to walk the dog aswell when we came home but it was pretty nice to walk in the cold. When we once again came home, I was in a nice christmas mood so I decied to dress up nicely for my dearest sister. I now look like a present. Black dress with a huge red bow in the waste, and a red bow in my hair. :P She likes it so its ok to look like a special person :D Well we're not done yet with the celebrating so i am now gonna go. I'll post some pictures later :) <3