I just Realised that it's like 22 days untill christmas! Yes i am slow. But hey, atleast i realised. That means that it is time for JUL PYSSEL! And christmas shopping, and christmas... iness!!! All lights are up everywhere. Too bad i havent been out to see them. But friday im going christmas shopping with Anna. Woo and since it gets dark here around 2.30-3.00 pm i'll get to see the pretty lights in town. Exciting! I plan to be done with the shopping atleast next week. I have to have my sisters present done before she leaves anyways, which is the 14th. Then, ill be all alone with my parents. Atleast my brother is spending christmas with us this year. So, no sister, but brother.. should even things out dont you think?
JUL PYSSEL on saturday!!!! Me and my sister will be busy most of the day! WOO! We're making two gingerbread houses, cause we can never make one pretty one since we have very different views on how it should look. so this year. TWO! Gonna bake and make the apartment all christmasy and cozy. Whihc mean possible overuse of the colour red. Will there be a tree this year though? No idea. We shall see. Either we have no tree or we have our beauteful christmas tree made out of plastic (but things still fall off it even though its plastic... bad quality tree).
Dont think i've used the word christmas this much before.. Oh well. Dinner today, FLÄSKPANKAKOR!!! WOO wag ages ago since i had that last. SYLT TIME!!! Right now the pancake thing is in the oven, and for some reason pockets of air have formed and it looks like pancake mountains! Kinda entertaining. Made me giggle. :P Might watch Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden later after dinner with the rest of my family. Could be fun.
Here's a picture of the pancake hills!!!
Deflated a bit by the time i got my camera... :/