Holiday. (Easter)
So, so far during this holiday i have;
slept over at Anna's place (two times in a row, once with Tippan); Had my parents call me about twenty times during one evening; worked; hung out with my sister and her boyfriend, hung out with Oskar, Gone to the cinema (He's just not that into you); played lazer tag; played pool (biljard); managed to not spend most of my time infront of the tv or computer; played guitar hero... a LOT; shoped and spent all my money for this month in two weeks.
God I need to work more. But ye so, so far its been fun.
And for the rest f the holiday i am;
Thursday: Playing lazer tag (again),
Friday: Meeting Ellen :D
Saturday: Is blanc for the moment but i will find something to do.
Sunday: Picknic with some people i think.
Monday: Also blanc for the moment.
- When me and Tippan were on our way from Anna's house, i saw this person who looked like Veronica Maggio, which was kinda intresting.
- And also we saw these drunk guys on their way t a football game (AIK [gnaget]) who were singing, and i swear they never shut up! Was kinda funny but after the 5th time they sang the same songs, it kinda started to get annoying.
- About two days later when i was at Burger King with Helena (my sister), Dev (her boyfriend), we saw Erik och Mackan. God are they hairy.
Lately i've started wearing high heels (they are sooooo pretty) so my feet are kinda in pain. but hey i look great and taller so its totally worth it. But god do i wish i had someone to masage my feet at the end of the day.
So aperantly its Easter on sunday... so all of a sudden i got a random urge to get a huge chcolate egg.
I am going to update my CV so that i can give it in to Tempo so that i can get a summer job or weekend job. so YAY.
Thats it for now. Have a great holiday.
slept over at Anna's place (two times in a row, once with Tippan); Had my parents call me about twenty times during one evening; worked; hung out with my sister and her boyfriend, hung out with Oskar, Gone to the cinema (He's just not that into you); played lazer tag; played pool (biljard); managed to not spend most of my time infront of the tv or computer; played guitar hero... a LOT; shoped and spent all my money for this month in two weeks.
God I need to work more. But ye so, so far its been fun.
And for the rest f the holiday i am;
Thursday: Playing lazer tag (again),
Friday: Meeting Ellen :D
Saturday: Is blanc for the moment but i will find something to do.
Sunday: Picknic with some people i think.
Monday: Also blanc for the moment.
- When me and Tippan were on our way from Anna's house, i saw this person who looked like Veronica Maggio, which was kinda intresting.
- And also we saw these drunk guys on their way t a football game (AIK [gnaget]) who were singing, and i swear they never shut up! Was kinda funny but after the 5th time they sang the same songs, it kinda started to get annoying.
- About two days later when i was at Burger King with Helena (my sister), Dev (her boyfriend), we saw Erik och Mackan. God are they hairy.
Lately i've started wearing high heels (they are sooooo pretty) so my feet are kinda in pain. but hey i look great and taller so its totally worth it. But god do i wish i had someone to masage my feet at the end of the day.
So aperantly its Easter on sunday... so all of a sudden i got a random urge to get a huge chcolate egg.
I am going to update my CV so that i can give it in to Tempo so that i can get a summer job or weekend job. so YAY.
Thats it for now. Have a great holiday.